Life cycle global warming potential policy implementation in the EU

Aljaž PetehAktualno

Kaj je Direktiva o energetski učinkovitosti stavb (EPBD) EPBD je primarna zakonodaja EU, ki ureja trajnost zgradb. Njegov cilj je doseči popolnoma razogljičen stavbni fond do leta 2050.

Stavbe so največji posamezni porabnik energije v Evropi. Gradbeni sektor je zato ključen za doseganje energetskih in podnebnih ciljev EU.

Za povečanje energetske učinkovitosti stavb je EU vzpostavila zakonodajni okvir, ki vključuje revidirano direktivo o energetski učinkovitosti stavb (EU/2024/1275) in revidirano direktivo o energetski učinkovitosti (EU/2023/1791).

Države članice morajo do maja 2026 prenesti določbe posodobljene EPBD.

The EU buildings sector is on the cusp of change

Over the past few years, Europe’s buildings and construction sector has become increasingly familiar with the concept of ‘Whole Life Carbon’ (WLC) or ‘life cycle global warming potential’ (life cycle GWP).

The built environment’s WLC emissions account for around 40% of the EU’s total CO2 emissions (Ramboll, 2023). Yet until recently, few national governments had introduced binding measures to report on or limit buildings emissions using a whole life cycle approach. This changed from 2022 onwards, with national governments including Denmark and France leading the way in introducing mandatory reporting and limit values for life cycle GWP (read more in WorldGBC’s case study report on life cycle GWP policy implementations in Europe).

EPBD policy briefing

Even more consequentially, the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD), revised in 2024 to deliver on the EU’s climate targets, introduced dates by which Member States must ensure that life cycle GWP is calculated and disclosed for new buildings. National governments will also need to publish roadmaps with life cycle GWP targets and limit values.

This means that EU Member States should now be taking measures to pave the way for life cycle GWP policy at the national level. These preparatory measures include consulting with the construction sector, raising awareness and training, developing data architecture, and formulating legislation.

This briefing aims to establish recommendations for national governments preparing to introduce life cycle GWP policy measures. It also includes recommendations for the European Commission in its role in overseeing and guiding this transition.

In particular:

  • Construction sector capacity building and engagement
  • Databases and data collection
  • How to encourage compliance

To read more download the PDF.