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weTHINK. Energy Transition online conference
20 septembra, 2023 , 10:00 dop - 12:30 pop
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About weTHINK. Energy Transition:
weTHINK. brings together all key strategy actors (ministries, public officials, municipalities, industry associations, energy producers, renewable energy solution providers, regulators) in Europe to regularly exchange technical, operational and strategic know-how on energy transition and to facilitate the implementation of renewable energy projects across the region.
The event aims to:
- Establish working groups to facilitate the implementation of renewable energy projects across the region.
- Offer networking opportunities to all interested actors, to connect at the regional scale and organize partnerships to implement renewable energy projects and support the energy transition process.
- Identify key financing opportunities to support the implementation of renewable energy projects in CEEC region.
- Keynote from the European Commission, technology presentations from SIEMENS Energy, INNIO Jenbacher and best practice from voestalpine High Performance Metals GmbH.
- Sustainable energy transition trajectories.
- Solar, hydro, wind and biomass – challenges and opportunities.
- Central actors for energy transition – coordination and support.
- Examples of good practices from across the region – technology and policy know-how.
- Financing energy transition – private, public and EU funds.
Preliminary Agenda:
- 10:00 – 10:10 Goal and agenda of the working group.
- 10:10 – 10:40 Keynote: Hans van Steen (Principal Advisor to the Deputy Director General, DG ENER, European Commission) – EU Strategy towards a CO2 free European energy sector.
- 10:40 – 11:40 State of the art industry presentations:
- Alexander Peschl (SIEMENS Energy) – Industrial heat pumps: Best practice from the City of Mannheim.
- Klaus Payrhuber (INNIO Jenbacher) – H2 ready Gas Engines.
- Michael Ebner (voestalpine High Performance Metals GmbH) – inSPire Climate Impact – Following the path to zero emissions.
- Power Purchase Agreements – fixed energy costs in the future. (Speaker TBC)
- Biomass. (Speaker TBC)
- 11:40 – 12:25 Panel discussion on strategic, legal, political, administrative and economic challenges and solutions to improve energy transition:
- Hans van Steen (European Commission, DG ENER).
- Alexander Peschl (Siemens Energy).
- Klaus Payrhuber (Innio Jenbacher).
- Michael Ebner (voestalpine)
- Cornelya Vaquette (Industry Association Building Materials Austria)
- 12:25 – 12:30 Wrap up and follow-up steps.
Registration link is available here.