The project aims to empower construction professionals and workers with the skills needed to face the challenges of implementing a whole life carbon and circular approach along a building life cycle.
This goal will be realised by conceiving, testing, and implementing innovative Vocational Education and Training (VET) programmes and activities for “white-collars” (e.g. architects, engineers, building managers, product manufacturers) and “blue-collars” (i.e. on-site workers and craftspeople).
Targeting the activities on the audience in terms of contents, methods and language for programme provision, one training course will be developed for white collars in English and then translated in national languages, while 6 different national training activities will be carried out by GBCs for blue-collars.
During the duration of the project in the testing phase the objective is to train 3 trainers per country and to provide the courses to groups of at least 20 professionals and 20 construction workers per country.
Additionally, with the aim of enlarging as much as possible the number of professionals and workers reached by the training programme, all the contents will be gathered in an online educational platform whose access will be measured and monitored.
The project aims at obtaining the accreditation of the VET programmes in each of the participant countries in the existing educational and professional schemes in order to guarantee the recognition of the qualification and the specialisation provided.
Acknowledging and enhancing young talents and women’s role in the building sector is among the main objectives of the project. Internships for at least 5 young talents per country will be tested in collaboration with companies, vocational schools and universities that have taken on this commitment.
On the other side a podcast series regarding the women opportunities in the building sector will be produced and launched on a mainstreamed platform to ensure a wide distribution.