GBC Slovenija se je udeležila dvodnevnega konference ERN GBC v Sofiji. Razprave, ki so bile napovedane so se izvedle le deloma. GBC Slovenija je zahtevala spremembo agende s podporo GBC Hrvaška, GBC Srbija, GBC Črna Gora. Uspeli smo uvrstiti na dnevni red problematiko manjših GBC ejev predvsem zaradi podpore GBC Nemčija in GBC Francija.
Objectives: The key objectives of this meeting will be to present, discuss and agree work on the ERN’s Vision/Mission started by members of our Steering Committee following our November Budapest 2017 meeting. This will feed directly into: (i) the ERN’s package of ‘marketing’ materials for members due in May 2018; (ii) the ERN’s advocacy strategy for 2018-19; and (iii) WorldGBC Board’s work on a new global strategy.
Format: As with all ERN meetings we aim to maximise opportunities for our members to participate in group sessions, enabling exchange of knowhow, views and strengthening of working relationships.
ERN Sofia Meeting – 27-29 March 2018 – Agenda