EPBD trilogue
WorldGBC gave an update on the last EPBD trilogue which took place on 12 October. A provisional agreement was reached on certain topics after difficult negotiations, which led to a weakening of Minimum Energy Performance Standards and Zero Emission Buildings, though the measures agreed on for Whole Life Carbon are extremely encouraging!
The next EPBD trilogue will take place on 8 December, following three or four upcoming technical meetings, meaning that hopefully, negotiations could be on track to be nearly complete by the end of the year.
No longer linked to EPCs for individual buildings, instead member states will take an average approach over their entire building stock. 55% of renovations will need to occur among worst performing buildings (defined as 43% lowest performing buildings at national level). A fixed % target of average primary energy savings will need to be reached by 2030 and 2035, the figure for which is to be decided in the next trilogue in December.
Zero Emission Buildings
ZEB Standard is now to be defined at the national level according to MS cost optimality, at least 10% better performing than NZEB. Also a ban on subsidies for stand-alone fossil fuel boilers (hybrids could be exempted) from 2025, exempting current EU funding programmes.
Energy Performance Certificates
No harmonisations of national EPC classes. EPCs to run from A to G, with possibility for states to introduce an A+ class for buildings above ZEB standard.
Whole Life Carbon
Similar to European Parliament position, with following timeline:
- 2025: delegated act for harmonised approach on WLC reporting
- 2027: deadline for Member States to develop roadmap with WLC maximum values set at national level
- 2028: mandatory WLC reporting for new public buildings
- 2030: mandatory WLC reporting for all new buildings and Member States have to introduce maximum WLC values for all new buildings
ERN Manifesto Workshop
As a followup to the Athens in-person Manifesto workshop with GBCs, we ran an online workshop as part of the process to revise our policy recommendations in the ERN Manifesto ahead of the 2024 European Elections.
On the call we divided participants into two groups and used a Miro Board to collect reflections from you about how we can update the policy recommendations.
We are keen to ensure that everyone in the network has the opportunity to contribute to this process before we begin redrafting the Manifesto in November.
With this in mind, we will leave the Miro Board open to people to add post-it notes in the different sections until EOP 10 November. Please feel free to also send us written notes by email if you prefer.
- 10 November: deadline for submissions to MIro board
- Week starting 4 December: WorldGBC to circulate first draft of Manifesto
- December 2023-February 2024: Consultation with ERN on Manifesto
- March 2024: Manifesto is put into design
- April 2024: Manifesto launched and GBCs are orivuded with Manifesto Advocacy Toolkits
- April-May 2024: WorldGBC and GBC campaigns with Manifesto
- June 6-9 2024: European Elections